Birgitta Hauser

Birgitta Hauser

Independent Database and Software Architect

Advanced Queries: Multi-Dimensional Grouping and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) Functions – Powerful Partners 

The first OLAP Functions were already introduced with Release 6.1, for building running numbers and ranks, in a specific sequence and even with the ability to restart numbering at a predefined level. At release 7.3 a bunch of additional OLAP functions and enhancements for existing OLAP functions are introduced. With these enhancements it is possible to easily build running totals or averages with or without level breaks. Data cannot only be accumulated over all rows, but also within a specific range. It is easy to access and compare the first, previous, next or last occurrence of the data within a partition.  If we then combine those queries with the multi-dimensional grouping, i.e. the ability to generate all kind of sub-totals and totals, we can write a whole program/report with a single SQL Statement.